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The COR4 is a woman owned small family business established in Maryland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its main product, the patented CozyFeet, was invented as a solution to warm cold feet in bed or when lounging around.
Question: What is this CozyFeet and who needs one? Answer: It’s a foot warmer for anyone who hates to sleep with cold feet! No electricity, coal, microwave, significant other’s feet or boiling water needed!!
It exists because, on one winter night, I had chills, a pretty high fever and flu like symptoms. I could not warm myself up no matter how many layers I had on because my feet were frozen. Socks are great for warming your feet but they are a pain to sleep in because you still have to take them off. This usually occurs mid sleep because your feet are overheating. Personally, I do not like waking up in the middle of rare and welcomed slumber. Socks are not an option for me. So that night, between chills, with my feet wrapped in a Sherpa sweatshirt, the concept of the CozyFeet was born. The CozyFeet was exactly what I would have needed that night to counter my flu-like symptoms and provide warmth and coziness from my feet to the rest of my body. It is perfect for keeping your feet warm and cozy in a cold bed.
It is practical and easy to use. Simply slide your bare feet in it as you climb into bed. You can fall asleep with it on and wake up with it off your feet. It is made to come off effortlessly. The soft fabric is soothing and swaddles your feet. It really is relaxing. In my family, we don’t just use it to sleep. It’s great for lounging around, or when sitting at your desk. We even use it while traveling by plane or boat …. Just don’t walk in it. It is not intended to be used for walking. The CozyFeet is like a little warming pouch dedicated to your feet. It’s divided in the middle so your feet can stay separated and opened at the bottom so they touch if you prefer. The combination really helps warm your feet and make them comfy and cozy.
So it's time to live a CozyLife and
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